posted and mailed
Hello, Public Relations!
I _loved_ your new movie! I haven't seen it, of course, nor have I read the book... But I just _loved_ your new movie! Thank you, Sir, may I have another? A sequel, perhaps?
But help me out, okay? I'm curious why you haven't as yet offered any "explanation" about this wonderful, soon-to-be cult classic, (no pun intended, I assure you... really) Battlefield Earth, and the High Crime Travolta executed that would -- if he had been one of your broke as well as one of your brainwashed -- would have resulted in a Condition of Treason and his imprisonment in your RPF work camps (and John looks like he could _use_ a little exercise. That unsightly bulge in the crotch looks malignant, too, by the way.)
Why no spin doctoring? Are you too busy trying to contrive an elaborate explanation for this stinker of a movie which works in the world-wide Marcabian/Mental Health Industry conspiracy? If you leave out the sinking of the Titanic, I'm sure you clowns could come up with _something_ by the end of next week, don't you? <giggle>
I'm sorry. I apologize in advance. I'm just having way too much fun enjoying the wonderful movie reviews that open your criminal cult up to public ridicule yet once again. This is _almost_ as good as seeing your mock "international president" in handcuffs.
Would you let John know that his movie frightened and scared everyone on a.r.s and that we're begging him _not_ to do a sequel, please? We'll promise not to force him to sign Steven Hassan's new book if he'll not do another sequel. Really we won't. }:-}
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