hodginci asked this question on 5/10/2000:
My husband and I have a 22 foot mastercraft with a Lt-1 engine. We accidentally hook the battery wires backwards to the post of the battery and now the boat will crank but not start. We already changed the alternator. I have been looking everywhere of a troubleshooting manual and I can not find one. Everybody keep telling me is the computer. Could you guys help me?
CaptJohn gave this response on 5/10/2000:
I have to agree with your friends. If you cooked the power pack, there is NO way your gonna start it. Since, as with most electronics, it is usually sold as 'non-return/non-refund', you might want to call a marina , and ask them what they'd charge you to put it on an electronic analysis machine , to make absolutely sure. Thats the best this old seafarer can do for ya!!!! CaptJohn
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