lali2002 asked this question on 3/5/2000:
Hi, I have to do a Research project on Serial Killers, im not sure how to start it, all i find is examples of them. Nothing really intresting. i was wondering if anyone can help with absolutely anything. I'm trying to maybe, discover something unknown, or simply a way to make my project different and unique. My thesis sentence is.. Although serial killers' actions stem from their early childhood, they should still be held accountable for their crimes. Any opinions, facts or ideas, will be really appreciated. Thanks Lali
cruzmsl gave this response on 3/14/2000:
Hello lali I have not read others suggestions, so if mine is similar please excuse me. My first suggestion of all suggestion would be to obtain massive information on serial killers, if you need the source I can help you. Second would be to be original in your own aspects, and the only way to do that is read the information on serial killers, that is why you are stuck, because you have a "general" idea as to what you are dealing with, however after you read at least one half of serial killer biographys you will have so many ways to start your thesis you will have to fumble with choosing just one! Remember the only relevance "a" serial killer has with others is that it was a rash of killings and thats it. Each serial killer had thier own reasons and thought process when they did thier crimes, therfore making them unique in thier own ways and thier own names....why else would serial killers have different names? Let me give you two ideas, compare these two serial killers and see the difference in modus operandi and thoughts. Jeffery Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, both are considered serial killers, yet the actions other than killing are very different. Thats where your unique thesis will come from. Let me know and please vote. Thank You.
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