psugrowler asked this question on 2/28/2000:
Why are so many pro athletes committing heinous violent crime today?
Detective gave this response on 2/29/2000:
In my so humble opinion, professional athletes are committing more violent crimes and more of them, because of a number of factors: 1) They make obscene amounts of money at very early ages in life. 2) They tend to have anything and everything they want (spoiled). Unfortunately, there is not enough useful guidance when a young athlete makes such large amounts of money and has all of those luxuries thrown at them. They are still basically the "same" regular people, put in a very rare position. 3) Managers, Owners, the League Commissions, etc., often "look the other way" when smaller infractions occur even criminal activity. 4) Pro Sports is such a big business that it has come down to profit margins, television contracts, and salary-caps! If the athlete can directly contribute to the team's success many allowances are made. Look at Dennis Rodman the basketball player. How about the other player that choked his coach. Do you think we as "regular citizens" would get away with that sort of activity at our jobs? No! 5) I also feel the recent emergence of more serious crime by athletes is somewhat a reflection of our society. We all want to be millionaires, have the "good life", and many will do whatever it takes to achieve that. However, we have lost some level of common decency over the past few decades and our overall morality is declining. We need stronger religion, family direction/devotion, and good old fashioned VALUES! If an athlete commits a crime punish them like everyone else. If this occurs earlier rather than later, it may help prevent the more serious crimes when they think they are "invincible"!
Hope this helps and sorry to "ramble" on.
Micheal Director TACTICS Private Investigators
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psugrowler rated this answer a 5.
I have no trouble with rambling. LOL Latrell Spreewell is the other you were thinking of. Great response. In my opinion, the NHL has the best behaved personnel out of all the four major sports and they should be commended for it.
Our Canadien & European brethren, lead the way in defining a class of unheralded sportsmanship among the ranks of the professional elite.
I attribute much of this to the good, strongg , upstanding societies many of thiese individuals come from. many are in fact from tundra, rich farm communities where they haven't the slightest concept of professional hooliganism.
i.e. Rae Carruth and Cecil the Diesel
What the hell are those guys thinking? I'd like to see that guy crawl through my window in the am. Can you read shotgun BLAST!!
I also think in the NHL the pedigree of a hockey scholar follows a long line of tradition. Many don't go from slinging crack to NHL poster boy. NBA is likely a different story.