your_girly5 asked this question on 2/28/2000:
What is the punishment for someone who is caught using a fake ID?
Detective gave this response on 2/29/2000:
That would depend on what the ID was and how it was used. For instance, the most common form of fake ID, using someone else's drivers license or identification card to get into a nightclub, etc., is usually a misdemeanor. Typcially the person would receive a fine and possibly a short term of probation. However in some jurisdictions, it can be a higher level misdemeanor that could result in some jail time, a larger fine, and longer probation. If the ID involves something more "official" like a passport or identification to get into and out of a country, the laws are more strict and could be pursued as a felony. The specifics will depend on what type of ID was used, where it was used (for what purpose) and what type of background the person using it has (prior history of criminal activity). Typically the person using a false ID is a minor so the court tends to take that into consideration and if nobody was "hurt" by its use and it was only to gain access to a club or to buy beer, etc., a first offense is often not a major problem. It you or someone you know has been charged with this, consult a local criminal defense attorney to ensure things go as well as they can.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Michael Director TACTICS Private Investigations
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Thanks for your answer!