Anonymous asked this question on 2/6/2000:
Doing a research project on the attitude of young adults towards police oficers. Need information on what you think we should focus on.
peekobooicu gave this response on 2/7/2000:
Being a Juvenile is hard enough. They are stereotyped to be arrigant,spiteful,contradictory,mouthy,disrespectful and either from a one adult family whop works all day and has no time to raise a child properly or there is no disiplinary in the house to help guide the child in the right path. we tend to see the wrong in our children and don't give them very much credit for doing the right things when they are reaching out for approval.
How much credit do we give OUR children? How much praise do we give them when they do something right or when they do the chores and get no praise but only nagging for something not done correctly.
Children need to know that they are appeciated, loved and respected for being themselves and not out looking for another figure to use as a roll model. We tend to bring down the children we associate with because of the way they dress or the way they wear their hair or the piercing/tattooing they have. Its whats on the inside as a person not the outside.
Children need for you to listen and be open-minded and treat them like young adults not young hooligans or Juvenile offenders-to-be.
Give love and respect and you will be surprised how much you will get in return when you ASK rather than ORDER or DEMAND.