rlr_soccer asked this question on 11/30/1999:
We are doing a presentation on community and aspects of raising children as a community, with focuses on enemy making, racism, sexism, family, and education. Where do we look for info???????
blue_eyes_33 gave this response on 12/3/1999:
There is a lot of information out there on all these topics. The one good place that I know of from personal experience is any book on Sociology in the family. You can also look under the topic juvenile delinquency or family relations which is under child and family. Let me know if that helped. If it didn`t I will find info for you. If you have a womans center on your campus they can help with sexism and for racism you can go talk to the African American advisor or student senator is also a good person to talk to. Its not just limited to African amrican, you can talk to the Native - American student Senator, Hispanic student Senator, and the Social Sciences student senator. When is your presentation?
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