Hal Mansfield, MA, Director
1105 W Myrtle
Ft Collins, CO 80521
General Info: 11
Hate Groups (general): 4
Scientology: 1
Personality groups: 6
Student projects: 5
International Church of Christ: 2
Possession and exorcism: 1
National Alliance: 2
Theime: 1
Kingdom Identity Ministries: 10
Small groups, various agencies and churches
United Pentecostal Church International: 1
Watchman Nee: 1
INTERNET WEB PAGE USAGE: 30,545 (counted as of May, 1997)
1. May continues to be a busy time for us. Not only in terms of cases but putting together programs for Fall. Attached is our summer fund raising letter. We do this only twice a year and we need to do so in order to be able to have a center like this! So, please, if possible, contribute what you can to insure we will be around to help for years to come.
2. The Center had some wonderful things occur this month, including being nominated for the Human Relations Commission awards breakfast. Hal Mansfield did receive the award for this year. It was a huge honor for Hal and the Center. On a personal note from Hal: I was truly honored to receive this and as I look back there are so many people involved with this program that should be mentioned including all the volunteers, board members, students and those we helped. It is a real community effort. I remember the folks at United Campus Ministry at Colorado State University (UCM) who made the first conference of the Mountain States Conference on Cults, Hate Groups and Gangs a success. Lisa Miller, campus pastor, Cathy Norris and the students at UCM were real troopers in helping to organize the event. Lisa went over and above for me, personally taking over the first morning of the conference. Many did not know the story, but that morning was when I lost my beloved, Polly Smith, to breast cancer. I was in no shape to run a conference that morning and Lisa stepped right in. That's the caliber of people that we have around here volunteering and supporting this program. I am so pleased to see the growth of the Center into what it has become and again I want to give thanks to the Ft Collins Human Relations Commission for such an honor. I also want to thank board members Debbie Diamond and George McKechnie for being there at the awards. And, a special thanks to my daughter, Joy, for accepting the award and saying such nice words on my behalf while I was overseas. Joy is reminding me that I owe her one for making a speech on the spur of the moment!
3. Flyers were distributed in LaPorte, Colorado by Kingdom Identity Ministries (KIM), a white supremacist group. This is a Christian Identity group like Pete Peters' group in La Porte; in fact KIM sells audio tapes of Pete Peters online. KIM (whose leader is Mike Hallimore) is headquartered in Harrison, AR where the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (led by Thom Robb) also make their headquarters. Hallimore rarely distributes flyers but this may be a way to get at Pete Peters in La Porte. Hallimore considers Peters soft on racism and observers say Hallimore doesn't seem to like Peters doing his Big Branson get together on Hallimore's turf. Egos are rather large in this arena.
4. The leader of the almost defunct white supremacist group, World Church of the Creator, must now pay over $450,000 for attorney's fees and trademark violations. The group now calls itself the Creativity Movement. Good luck to all trying to collect on this debt! Their leader, Matt Hale, is in prison for trying to hire a hit on [soliciting murder of] a federal judge.
5. There was a scam in Denver orchestrated by a destructive group out of Denmark. The group is called Tvind and has many scam fronts to collect money. The Denver scam included several donation boxes for clothing that were placed in businesses that looked like Salvation Army or Goodwill boxes. Now, all these business owners feel duped as they were told the donations go to charity. The US "company" is called U'SAgain, and all the clothing is sold for profit by the pound. Beware if you see any of these bins. If you want more information, you can research the following website:
6. This month's disgusting case involves a destructive cult, a splinter of Hosanna Church. This group, located in Louisiana, had sex with children and animals from 1999 to 2003. Parents were part of the victimizations and animals included dogs and cats. There are at least 25 victims known and eight arrests so far with a warrant for a ninth member.
7. Neo-Nazi groups in Germany are spreading a [computer] virus called the "Sober.Q worm" The subject lines include: "Bloody Self-Justice" and "Multi-Kulturel=Multi-Kriminell". As with any virus threat, be sure you know who is sending you a message before you open it. We have also seen faxes locally that had anti-Semitic stuff on them. Use a common procedure to block unwanted incoming fax calls by not accepting unlisted numbers. You can set this up with your local phone company. That way, on the ones that come through, we can at least trace the phone number of origin.
8. In another strange case, members of Jesus Christians, a nomadic group, one by one have been donating kidneys. So far 30 members have done this after the leader, David McKay, did so in 2003. Some have gone to Australia to have the surgeries. Newspapers there call them the Kidney Cult and worries about coercion are surfacing. This group forsakes all including families, friends, jobs, etc. In other words, total control and no contact is the way the group does business.
9. Pete Peters, leader of the supremacist group in La Porte, Co, in his latest newsletter talks about "poisons" that the society is ingesting at the behest of evil agents. Soft metals in our food, and other stuff that the "Anonymous" author writes about is all a plot to control our thoughts. This is some of the wackiest material that we have seen out of them!
10. As always, a reminder that we report all calls for inquiries, assistance, etc. Being on the "Calls" list does not necessarily mean that a group/individual is destructive, only that we have received a call about it/them.
--- / I support privatization of religion.
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"I like Tom Cruise now. His insanity has come to the fore. He had no personality before. Now, he's like a member of your family.... if your family had a crazy uncle who was liable to take a dump on the Thanksgiving turkey."