On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 00:59:10 +0000 (UTC), Lenny Flank <lflank_nospam@ij.net> wrote:
> psgj@groundlink.net wrote:
> <snip>
> > I'm curious about something. This is my first thread in either of these
> > news groups and so far I have some civil discussions with some like
> > eyelessgame, who has been helpful. But others as yourself have been
> > very rude. Do you really think that I will take you seriously when you
> > come out in attack mode right off the bat, even though I have not given
> > any reason for it?
This behavior certainly isn't unique to talk.origins. It kind of falls under the "Why are you so bitter?" complaint FidoNet's HOLYSMOKE echo used to get by the hundreds each month.
> When you show yourself to be an ignoramus, by the very nature of the
> question you ask, then you are simply not worth taking seriously. <shrug>
Even more to the point, Creationists make the same false assertions over and over again, often dozens at a time, day after day, year after year, and NEVER LEARN FROM BEING CORRECTED. The well-deserved angst Creationists (who later come along) receive is due to the frustration generated.
Talking to Creationists is much like talking to idiot children. One must tell them over and over and over again that 2+2 equals 4, and does not equal 2, nor 22, nor 7, nor 82, nor 40, nor 10.... just to have antirely new waves of idiot childred (Creationists) flood into the room asserting 2+2 does not equal 4. An idiot child (Creationist) will often also assert that is isn't even POSSIBLE to know what 2+2 equals, therefore only gods can add.
Is it any wonder Creationists are met with ire and frustration?
> How "seriously" would YOU take someone who comes into a Christian
> apologetics newsgroup and loudly proclaims, in his first posting,
> "Jesus was wrong because Buddha lived in China !!!!!!!!"
A better analogy would be: How seriously should one take someone who claims "2+2 does not equal 4 because Philip Johnson is a lawyer!" ?
> ===============================================
> Lenny Flank
> "There are no loose threads in the web of life"
> Creation "Science" Debunked:
> http://www.geocities.com/lflank
> DebunkCreation Email list:
> http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/DebunkCreation
The I.C.R. Cult Exposed: http://holysmoke.org/icr-cult.htm
"Scientology: the 'science' of making money." http://holysmoke.org/theta.htm