Thank you for giving space to Mr. Tabor's funny, colorful, _non_compos_mentis_-sounding (to insult in Latin) complaint in what I assume he believes to be an answer to my letter. I would pen a bright and witty reply, but I've learned long ago that one cannot reason with flat-Earthers who believe that learning how to shake beads and rattles is the epitome of a fine education.
If people started evolving third arms (in nine months or nine centuries), that would be excellent evidence AGAINST evolution and evolutionary theory, and excellent evidence FOR Creationism. Perhaps instead of scientists "growing a third arm," Mr. Tabor could grow a spine long enough to suddenly become intellectually honest enough to research and study what evolutionary scientists actually assert (and therefore defend) instead of what he wants people to believe they assert (but do not, and therefore do not defend). "Third arm" indeed!
P.S. "Leftard?" Hee! I detect a dearth of wit.
David Rice Late of Las Vegas
Show me how 'leftards' have somehow evolved
Regarding "A little help for the 'rightards'" [Letters, Dec. 30]: Mr. Rice and all the "leftards," the only fact about evolution is it's a lie, perpetuated by leftards still living in trees.
Your group certainly hasn't "evolved!" You are still jumping from tree to tree, screaming, crying, blaming everyone else for your inability to cope and solve simple problems.
So show me where leftards have evolved!
I know. Since you are blaming others, it's up to you to prove this "fact." Not talk! I want to see action!
The average human [this doesn't include leftards] gestation period is nine months. So I'll give you nine months from now. I'll be looking for the third arm you would have grown by then. This will be the proof that I am waiting for and wanting to see.
Just think of the impact this will have. Leftards will have evolved. With that third arm, they'll be able to sling more shit, point more fingers in blame and grab more handouts.
The world will never be the same.
Man Will Never Be Free Until The Last King Is Strangled With
The Entrails of the Last Priest.
"War? The one war I'd be happy to join is the war against officers." -- Edward Abbey