dban asked this question on 5/9/2000:
Does anyone know of any support groups for post-partum depression in the Madison, WI area? Any other support groups for parenting would also be helpful. I am a mother of two that is suffering from post-partum depression for the second time. I have a 10-week old daughter and a 3-year old son. This time around, the depression is 100% worse and I'm scaring myself and others as to how horrible I feel and what I might do or at least think about doing. Medication is just not enough. Any advice would be extremely grateful.
Redeagle gave this response on 5/12/2000:
you poor dear and with little ones it can be difficult...hopefully you are not a single mom that is the worst? my daughter had severe post partum...I took her son for 6 weeks...I was begingin to think I was going to have to raise him....she got over hers by distancing herself...she loves him dearly...and at age 6 this is a good thing...do you have any family that can watch the little ones? for a night or two...it helps to unwind a bit....the church is alos supportive if you belong to one and trust them there are a lot of older ladies who will watch the babies for a few hrs? sometimes you must take time to heal and let pesky hormones die down a bit...also check yourr fone book there is usually a section up front to help....
I wish you well hun hope this helps
be at peace