Anonymous asked this question on 5/12/2000:
someone here or in another category / forum / whatever told me that prozac is "addictive" it was either "spirit" or "spiritual" or some name like that
is this true? i dont want to take anything taht is addictive
ScreenMentor gave this response on 5/12/2000:
Here's a definition of addiction:
compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful
Prozac has not been shown to be a drug that creates a COMPULSIVE NEED.
It's a lot closer to insulin. Take insulin away from a diabetic and they experience physiological symptoms and eventually death.
Needing something to help your brain and body function does not make it addictive.
It saddens me when people use buzz words to scare people who need help. Is a paraplegic addicted to his wheelchair? Is a blind man addicted to his seeing eye dog and cane?
Building up to a therapeutic level and then winding down when the therapy is no longer needed is just the regimen for this medication.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Excellent. i see that some people answerd "yes" and some "no." I looked at the prozac's web site and saw it was not addictive--- you and deserts and another are right. why did
the others say it was?! I read and write English very well (I am Tongan), so it is not a problem with understanding, yes? did they lei?