Anonymous asked this question on 5/12/2000:
someone here or in another category / forum / whatever told me that prozac is "addictive" it was either "spirit" or "spiritual" or some name like that
is this true? i dont want to take anything taht is addictive
larrybergen gave this response on 5/12/2000:
The name was Spirit and you can find out more about prozac by looking at the website and determining for yourself whether prozac is dangerous or not. As for addiction, ask this question of anybody who has actually tried to quit taking the medication, the withdrawal symptoms are almost as bad as the consequental side effects from taking the drug in the first place. You can also ask "What are the withdrawal symptoms from quitting prozac" in the psychiatry category. Ask about the side effects there too, they will be up front with such a direct question. You will also find that that question was recently asked in that category if you look through the answers. The list of side effects is unbelievably long.
Anonymous rated this answer a 1.
hi i looked at your bio. scientinsit? i am sick, not posessed by space meenies. i don't need an exorcist i need and have a doctor.