apollonia asked this question on 5/7/2000:
I have been depressed for about two years, I am 18 years old, in college. Even though it was hard for me, I finally had the guts to go to counselling this year. I was quickly diagnosed by a doctor (as if I needed it confirmed) to have severe depression. He prescribed a heavy dose of effexor and suggested I keep on with the counselling. But I hated counselling, so I quit, and I refuse to take medication, for a lot of reasons.... and I know rejecting help is my fault, but I still wish I had somewhere else to go... I want desperately to feel good and go on with life, but I jsut can't make myself because on some level I really don't want to get better... I don't feel I deserve it. So now I am backing myself into this aweful place with nowhere to go... any thoughts? (besides suicide...)
coldcreek gave this response on 5/12/2000:
I would like you to take a good hard look at your life and find out what has happened to make you feel unworthy of a wonderful fullfilled life. After all, we only get one chance (so I believe) in this crazy world. And you can make it whatever you want. Somebody might throw you a rope while you woller in that self pity pool of yours, but my dear you are the one that has to climb that rope on your own. You really need to get off your ass and start climbing the rope. We never know when our time here will be over. You best make the best of it while you are here. God put you here for a very important reason, because he believes you have something special to offer. I know for a fact he didn't put you here to be depressed and not enojoy the wonderful things life has to offer. It probably wouldn't hurt you to pick up a bible and start reading. You have to believe in something. If not yourself, I know there is a higher power that will make you feel deserving of all life has to offer you. Good luck to you and write me anytime you need anything. Take care of you, because no one is going to do it for you.
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