racsprincess asked this question on 5/5/2000:
Can Men Get Depressed?
grwolfe4268 gave this response on 5/12/2000:
Anyone can become depressed. I'm a man and I get depressed at times. Being depressed is astate of mind you get into. When something happens in your life that goes against what you normally like it can cause depression. There are different levels of depression. Most people can deal with normal depression. But the more we dwell on a situation, the deeper state of depession can set in and can become dangerious. Its good to talk to a close friend that will express him or herself openly to you. Another words be honest with you. Loving but honest. Sometimes just talking to a friend, can make a big difference it depends on what caused you to become depressed to start with. If the depression starts getting the best of you, its good to go see a professional to get proper advise. Most pastors, or clergy can be of good help. I'm a pastor and I deal with depression many of times with veterans. The person seeking advise must be willing to accept the help. When a person gets in the state of feeling depressed they sometime start getting on the "poor me wagon" and that just makes things worse. I said all that to say. YES MEN CAN GET DEPRESSED. Have a wonderful day. I will help if I can..