Ramoon asked this question on 3/26/2000:
I've been trying for jears now not to give up the fight against negative thoughts about myself and my life. But it keeps getting harder and harder, i feel so lonely, don't know what i want with my life, the very few friends i have left are in a relationship and don't seem to notice i'm alive. My parents think support is pathetic, all i feel is rejection and useless. I try to take pleasure out of little things, like the sun is shining and give love and support to others, finding reasons to make some sense of this selfish world and my place in it. If somebody would still like to talk after this self-pity story, maybe i'm not the one with the problems :) kidding! Love, Ramona Ramonavschendel@hotmail.com
scaredlove gave this response on 5/10/2000:
you need to remember that u are a special caring person and you are not perfect your just a humanbeing tring to get by in this messed up world. I think u should sit down and tell your parents how u feel or have a night out with the boys/girls and tell them about how u feel about yourself and if they are good friends they will support you and be there for u also talking to a therapist or a counselor maybe a good idea if u have been feeling like this for a long time. email me anytime if u just need someone to talk to. kittykat85_00@yahoo.com
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