dban asked this question on 5/9/2000:
Does anyone know of any support groups for post-partum depression in the Madison, WI area? Any other support groups for parenting would also be helpful. I am a mother of two that is suffering from post-partum depression for the second time. I have a 10-week old daughter and a 3-year old son. This time around, the depression is 100% worse and I'm scaring myself and others as to how horrible I feel and what I might do or at least think about doing. Medication is just not enough. Any advice would be extremely grateful.
MysticKnight gave this response on 5/9/2000:
Hi there !!!
Post partum is a fairly common form of depression soon after giving birth. It is a temporary state where you go "down the drain" and where everywhere you look, things seem to have a gray shade.. self esteem is very low and nothing seems to work out properly...
I am not from your area but I could tell you that you can refer to your local community center...they should be able to give you some adresses in your area, easy for you to go to... Your pratician could be as well a good source of information for what you are requiring....He is in a very goood position to know about these things...:-))
The post partum depression is something that can last anywhere from 2 to 6months ...as I said, it is a temporary condition but I would stongly recommand you to talk about it to your pratician (pediatrician)...he is the best source of information you can have access to...It may be temporary but nonetheless has to be treated...:-)) Your community center would be as well a place where you could dig this information...and you know...it doesn't have to be necessarily a "special place" for post-partum depressiion..I think a place where there are people you can exchange with and a place of some activities you can be able to do with other women could be as well helpful....They could help you in what you are going through... A woman center would be a good idea as well...like a YWCA...they do have the information you are requiring...:-))
Hope you will find what you are looking for soon.. :-))
Sincerely, Mystic Knight