apollonia asked this question on 5/7/2000:
I have been depressed for about two years, I am 18 years old, in college. Even though it was hard for me, I finally had the guts to go to counselling this year. I was quickly diagnosed by a doctor (as if I needed it confirmed) to have severe depression. He prescribed a heavy dose of effexor and suggested I keep on with the counselling. But I hated counselling, so I quit, and I refuse to take medication, for a lot of reasons.... and I know rejecting help is my fault, but I still wish I had somewhere else to go... I want desperately to feel good and go on with life, but I jsut can't make myself because on some level I really don't want to get better... I don't feel I deserve it. So now I am backing myself into this aweful place with nowhere to go... any thoughts? (besides suicide...)
larrybergen gave this response on 5/7/2000:
Here is the best remedy I know for ridding yourself of depression:
1. Clean up , get done the various jobs you've been "meaning to do". 2. Bring yourself up to date socially and write a letter, make a call, or see the people you've neglected. 3. Take a 1 hour walk everyday. Start at home for 1/2 an hour and then walk back,a different direction every day. If you can't walk do something physical, throw something for 1/2 an hour, if you can't throw,spit for 1/2 an hour- this is meant literally. 4. Get a physical examination ( not a psychological exam ) and fix those things that are chronic. 5. Take twice a day 100mg. of B1 and 250mg. of vitamin C. I would also recommend Calmax nightly ( from health Usa 1800-523-8899) 6.If specific to you give up pornography, soap operas and the news for at least 2 weeks as all these things can cause restimulation.
If you do these things you will feel much improved. I dare you to do the above and feel the change. This is good advice. But it is better than advice. It's an invitation to start living. How about it?
apollonia rated this answer a 4.