racsprincess asked this question on 5/5/2000:
Can Men Get Depressed?
Lifesconsultant gave this response on 5/5/2000:
Hi, there is more to your question than just "can men get depressed"? I don't think it implies to the "mans honor" or that it's not possible because you are a man. I think you really want to know?
We are all emotional beings. We are also operable machines needing certain things to keep going. We need nutrition, water, oxygen, exercise and rest. Any one of these things can alter our abilities to function physically and emotionally.
Our brains are run with electricity (chemicals) called electrolytes. They are produced from hormones that are produced from exercise. Once we weeken those electrolytes, our brain can't sense the difference between good and bad emotions. Our brain is the filtering system of our thoughts. Sometimes our depression can be hereditary but most are caused through chemical imbalances.
Now, I know I'm not explaining this in its right terms but for me, that's how I learned to understand what was happening to me. Stress can also weeken the hormones that the brain produces. This is why medication is used to help the brain "think" all is okay. Then through counseling and therapy, you are "able" to understand and learn to adjust to your situation. I had a terrible self esteem problem even though everyone loved me. It was me who didn't. Once I got through all of the "junk" I fed myself to believe, I got off the medication and learned to take control of my emotions and in turn learned to control my life.
Yes, men can have the same feelings and the most important thing for you to do, would be to get a physical. Find out what ISN'T wrong and then DEAL with what is. It may be just your life style or your thoughts have been focused on too much of the negative. Whatever it is, there is an answer.
Good luck in finding YOU and learn to LIVE with PEACE when you do. Take care Kathy
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