Hollymj asked this question on 4/19/2000:
I had surgery last July that went really bad. The doc has really messed up- I have a very hard time having a bowel movement. I am supposed to have a surgery to correct what he did and saying I am terrified is an understatement! My question is- I having been taking Paxil since Sept. because I got so depressed because of what happpened. I take 20ml. I ran out last week-end and felt o.k. the first 2 days, so I thought maybe I didn't need it any more. Boy was I wrong!!! Not only did I feel really strange-I couldn't stop crying. In a strange way it felt good to cry so much, but I did realize that I am still pretty depressed. I went and saw my General Doc and she said sadly when you have suffered a major depression-you chances of relapsing back into that are pretty good. I feel so upset about tht. I have never had a problem w/ depression before. What is your opinion? I realize that I do need to see someone about this. Paxil isn't the answer. Thank you for your time and consideration! Holly
CeeBee asked for clarification on 4/20/2000: Hi, Holly --
I'm wondering -- did you really relapse into depression, or did the depression return because you had run out of Paxil and since you were feeling better decided not to get more?
What makes me wonder is that your general dr. didn't get you back on the Paxil that made you feel better. I don't agree with her statement that "when you have suffered a major depression, your chances of relapsing are pretty good." You went off Paxil. Wasn't that the reason your depression came back in full force?
And why do you say Paxil isn't the answer? Are you back on it and it's not working? Or...do you not want to take an anti-depressant but want to get out of the depression on your own?
I'm confused!! Help!!
And we (if not with me, with somebody) need to talk about that upcoming surgery too, by the way.
CeeBee cb.425@inil.com
CeeBee gave this response on 4/24/2000:
Hi, Holly --
If you take the Paxil (of course, always monitoring its effectiveness and telling your doctor if you notice any problems) and if you find and work with a counselor/therapist on a regular basis (at least once a week, maybe oftener, depending on what the therapist says) and really, really give it your best shot, then I would think there should be no fear of a relapse. A relapse happens when a person deliberately stops taking medication without informing the doctor and comletely stops seeing the therapist.
You do realize a year might be the minimum -- you won't necessarily be able to say at the end of a year, "Wow! I'm finished now and can drop the medication and the therapy." On the other hand, you might start feeling better and have resolved issues before the year is up. Since you don't have a history of chronic depression, you have every hope of coming through this depression and getting back your full life again within a reasonable time.
Please don't think you will have to deal with this forever; all you need to think about is TODAY. Take care of yourself TODAY; work on your issues over the surgeon and the results of the surgery TODAY; work on your goals that you and your therapist set TODAY; be sure to take that medication correctly TODAY. Make the A.A. motto, "One day at a time," your motto too. (Actually it should become everyone's motto -- then there would be far less worry and anxiety and fear.)
As far as not having the surgery for now -- that might be a wise decision. Your children need you. Certainly there must be ways to cope with your problem without risking messing things up further. I guess the idea of having surgery to correct a previous surgery gives me cold chills.
You have my best wishes and my prayers for a quick recovery from your depression and the beginnings of a happy life!! Please contact me or any of the rest of us if we can try to help further.
Hollymj asked this follow-up question on 4/25/2000:
Thank you so much for your kind words! It is all good advice-Holly
CeeBee gave this response on 4/25/2000:
Thank you, Holly, for sticking with me through this dialog. I wish you the very best that life can offer, and will be here if you have more questions or need more support!
CeeBee gave this follow-up answer on 4/30/2000:
Hi, Holly --
I've been thinking about you and wondering how things are going for you. Did my response to you help at all? Have things improved in your life? Please let me know if there is anything more I can say or do. And I would appreciate it if you would rate my answer, since that helps me know if I am doing any good on AskMe.
Thanks! CeeBee
Hollymj asked this follow-up question on 5/1/2000:
Hi- I have been doing so much better because I am not worring about when to have the corrective surgery!! I still haven't called anyone about seeing a therapists. Things have been really busy with the 4 kids. We have had the stomach flu,too! I will do it today. I didn't tell you that I am suing the doctor who did the surgery. That has been stressful ,too. I told my lawyer that I want to settle. I can't seem to get on with things and it doesnt seem to make me feel any better knowing he is going to have to pay. No amount of money will fix what he did to my family and me. I am also taking the Paxil everyday. Thanks for thinking of me-you are a thoughtful person! Holly
CeeBee gave this response on 5/1/2000:
Hi, Holly --
Glad to hear you are feeling less pressure now that you've made the decision not to have the surgery. And yeah, I can understand, even if that dr. ends up paying millions of $$ to you, you will still have problems because of what he did. When my brother and his wife had their first baby, a little boy, he lived only 15 hrs. It was soon discovered that the doctor had failed to diagnose an easily-corrected problem, so Keith died needlessly. My brother was told by all his friends to sue, but he knew $ wouldn't bring Keith back and that's all he wanted, his little son.
Well, Holly, I wish you and your family the best life has to offer, and I pray all good things will be coming your way now and in the future.
Warmest regards, CeeBee
Hollymj asked this follow-up question on 5/2/2000:
Thank you for everything! Holly
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