Anonymous asked this question on 4/26/2000:
I have had feelings of being different and alone most of my life (I am 28). At age 19, I attempted suicide. After that, I just accepted the way I felt as a permenant thing. Last year, I was in a extremely mentally situation and was diagnosed as having severe/major depression. I was prescribed Prozac and although I didn't feel "better" I felt numb to the pain. I stopped taking it for fear of my military career. (the military is unaware of my suicide attempt and my diagnosis). Now the feelings are being more and more prevalent. Do you think I need to back on the medication?
LilExpert gave this response on 4/29/2000:
I think you should consult a doctor ,someone who can prescribe something that will take away some of how you feel. A friend of mine who is in the military, marine core to be exact and he suffers from manaic depression. Where he is stationed they have counseling and group therapy maybe you should get involved in something like that . Or maybe find a friend that will help you or listen to you. alot of times people are depressed because they cant get out how they really feel. Maybe if you had someone to atleast listen to why you feel the way you do you would feel better.
Im glad you didnt commit suicide. You know everyone is put on this earth for a reason. Sometimes there are bad times but that is just gods way of testing you to see how you will come through it . If everyone were to give up as soon as times got rough then there would probably be no one here.
If you would like to talk to me further i will give you my email address or you can just write to me here.
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