Gen2 asked this question on 4/28/2000:
I have been taking Serzone since October. I was taking 400mg, but now I am down to 300mg. When I was taking 400, I was having weird vision problems. I take it at night and for the first 30 minutes after I would wake up, I would see "trails" from movement of my own or my boyfriend. Its kinda like watching a cartoon of a character that moves really fast and it leaves post-impression type images behind it. It also would make me feel weak and nauseated. So I started taking 300 at night at 100 in the morning. The symptons still continued. If I forget to take it at night, when I wake up in the morning, I am nauseated and sometimes actually get sick. I told my Dr., but he was not familar with those symptons from Serzone. He suggested I continue at 400mg, but that I could go to 300 if needed. Now at 300mg, I am back to battling less severe bouts of depression, and still having problems if I forget to take it at night. I am a small person, about 5'4" and 115lbs if that has anything to do with it. Has anyone else heard or experienced this? I am reluctant to change meds because I don't want to go through the withdrawal. Just taking this 8 or 9 hours late makes me physically sick. I am also afraid of my depression coming back to the point it was when I started on the Serzone. I couldn't make it to work somedays and I was very scared. I would greatly appreaciate any advice. Thank you in advance for your time!
BluesLady1 gave this response on 4/29/2000:
As you can see in my profile, I have been on so many meds in the past and this is one of them. Serzone has alot of side affects, some are not good. I was on this medication for about six months. It did nothing for my depression. It did do something to my heath though. I have experienced the same side affects which they are claiming "normal"...the doctors. This medication takes some time to work. I was on it 2 weeks and I alsmost fell over. I got so dizzy and sick, that I thought that my life was ending. This was the worse medication I was ever on. I went to my doctor and I told him what has happened and his response was that it will take some time for your body to get used to it. Well in the body didn't get used to it so I went back and demanded that I need something else that is less dangerous. He wouldn't and I weaned myself off it. I do not recommend you to get off this like I did. You need to go back to the doctor before something happens to you. I have been off all meds since three years ago. I am no longer depressed. I found out that certain meds can have a side affect which makes you depressed....go figure!!!
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Gen2 rated this answer a 5.
Thanks for the advice. I have an appointment tomorrow and I will be changing meds or doctors.