Anonymous asked this question on 4/25/2000:
hi, i'm doing a report on postraumatic stress disorder in Vietnam, i really don't know where to begin, i know the meaning and all. Are there any special sites i should be going to. Do you have any recomendatons for me. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you so very much.
rammice gave this response on 4/25/2000:
I think that the best resources for you would be the Vet Center in your town and a Veteran's Hospital. Just explain that you are doing a report, and I'm sure you could get some great information.
As far as internet sites, you could use your search engine and just type post traumatic stress disorder....or maybe type in Vietnam war....
One of the things that may be interesting for you to look at is the lack of support the vietnam soldiers faced when they first got back. Post traumatic stress disorder wasnt really accepted by alot of people then...I have learned, through my group therapy with Vietnam vets, that they were heavily medicated with thorazine and shoved into padded cells. The vets felt that they were treated very poorly and they grew to hate the Veterans administration....that is one of the reasons that the Vet Centers exist...because the Vietnam guys didnt want to set foot in the VA hospitals.
I hope i have helped some....