Anonymous asked this question on 4/13/2000:
I'm being treated for depression with celexa (citalopram). I have been taking augmentin for bronchitis and had also done some over-the-counter sudafed and Afrin for congestion. Also, I have been stealing my daughter's ritalin, grinding it up, and snorting it. Last week I had a few angry outbursts. Could the interaction of these drug have resulted in the anger or does celexa have those side effects alone? I'm on 20 mg.
lbarinow gave this response on 4/25/2000:
Dear Anonymous, Pardon me for taking so long to answer your question I was taken up a little with work in my surgery. yes, your right it certainly was the interaction of these drugs.You took 2 drugs with antihistaminic or pseudo-antihistamine-effect and both of them can lead to a feeling of depression.Simultaneously you used celexa which is a anti-depressant. i can't think I can make it any clearer than saying that you "stretched" your psyche to the very opposite poles.Don't forget that the long-term use of 5-OH-serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as the product you're using also causes some anxiety and this may manifest itself in the form of outbursts of anger. What exactly is anger? It is a manifestation of high-potency negative thoughts.I think what you and I need to discuss is why you felt the need to "add" something to your treatment.Is it perhaps that your anti-depressant is not delivering what you hoped it would? Your case interests me and I would really like to assist even more but I have little to go on. don't forget to rate my answer please. greetings lbarinow
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