Anonymous asked this question on 4/19/2000:
I've been taking Zoloft for almost seven years. When I try to go without it symptoms make my life miserable and I go back on...however, lately I think it's not working - I have running thoughts at night, when I should be sleeping, and I have a more flat affect during the day. I'm frightened. I imagine the zoloft's effectiveness is wearing out, that my body's system has grown too used to it - NOW WHAT?!
pain1 gave this response on 4/21/2000:
I am well aware of your worries and feelings.
I use Prozac and often, when my mind won't shut down, and that is normally at night, I fear all sorts of things, often terible black thoughts that scare me so much.
I have found that a combination of drugs, Prozac and Prothiaden (UK name) or Dothapin (same drug diff. name) help ease thigs a lot. I am still unable to sleep well but my mind is a lot easier now.
Your problem with feeling flat the next day is a direct result of the lack of sleep and brain rest. Given everthing I guess it is a major feat that you keep going at all. I find that after a bad night I just run out of energy and steam. My days run on and on, one into the other, with no breaks. I lose track of days and dates and everything seems such a job. Now my drugs are getting sorted I am more able to rest, mentally anyway, and hope that sleep will soon follow, I do nap at night now, even on the worst of nights, so things look good.....
I wish you good luck and suggest you see your doctor and ask for more help. It is there you just need to get it...
Best wishes
Dave (UK)
Anonymous rated this answer a 4.
Thank you for your advice.