Anonymous asked this question on 4/17/2000:
Is there anything I can do to allay my depression? Somedays are better than others,but sometimes I find it hard to even get out of bed in the morning.
letmehelp gave this response on 4/20/2000:
At age 36 I am still doing the battle with it, sometimes it just wants to click in but you know I have found that the best thing is that we know we are deppresed. So every morning that you open your eyes tell your self "if God didn't want me here I wouldn't of opened my eyes this morning". Then get out of bed, and think of something that you really enjoy doing and do it, no matter what anyone thinks of you, but do not stay in bed and do not stay indoors, call someone, write to someone, chat with someone, get yourself a pet, volunteer at a centre near your home and finally just think that in this big world there is people that are worst than us and that we should be lucky just to have life everyday. Always smile even if it hurts, but most important talk about your feelings don't leave them inside. There is always a gold pot a the end of the rainbow and you are beautiful.
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