Anonymous asked this question on 4/17/2000:
I have tried to get off of alcohol many times and have been in at least a dozen rehabs and every one of them says 'acceptance' is the key. Now I read you web site and you say it is not. Tell me why you believe that way please
steveazbell gave this response on 4/17/2000:
Acceptance is described in some dictionaries with the words; 'to believe'. When people get sober they don't believe in much of anything. Usually they are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. They are whipped. The rehabs have preached this acceptance angle along with this 'loving yourself' garbage for years. The TRUTH IS, "Willingness" is the absolute first thing that shoud be practiced. Willingness is described in some dictionaries as; "doing ones' job'. And that, my friend is what we are all about who help people and each other. By being willing we open our minds to concepts like 'honesty' and 'openmindedness'. Then we think of the welfare of others AHEAD of the welfare of our selves and this brings about the beginings of recovery. In the program of ALcoholics Anonymous and In rehab centers, editorials, magazine articles, and book upon book has reported the 'success rates' of the two entities. One statistic that I know to be the ONLY truthful one is this:
100% and I mean 100% who work the 12 step program of ALcoholics Anonymous and practice it's principles on a daily basis stay sober! This statistic is the only one you will find that can be proven right!!
If you have any other things about this that I may help you, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you