jwitt3970 asked this question on 4/10/2000:
will taking this medicine make you bruise more easily?
chrissy729 gave this response on 4/17/2000:
Hello! Im sorry I did not see your question, askme.com did not inform my e-mail that I had another... I just surfed on in.
As far as Celexa and bruising is concerned, as far as I know it has no effect. It is actually noted that Celexa helps with blood clots, so it obviously thins the blood.
I have had a bruise or scrape or two in the past 6 months or so and didn't notice any difference in my reaction to bruising or healing time.
If you are concerned, you should contact your doctor about it, or you can surf the web on Celexa. There are many wonderful sites out there that are very informative.
If you have any other questions, feel free to write!