The real reason Scientology® wanted the newsgroup removed,
of course, is because people on the newsgroup tell the truth
about Scientology®, its history, and the history of the
madman who fabricated Scientology®: people who know the
truth about Scientology® do not knowlingly give money to
Scientology® (though since the Scientology® business has
many front groups, they may be giving money to Scientology®
without knowing it). Not giving money to Scientology® is a
horrible crime to Scientologists.
Control: rmgroup alt.religion.scientology
Newsgroups: alt.config,,
Path:uunet!!!!! hkk
Subject: cmsg rmgroup alt.religion.scientology
Followup-To: alt.config
Sender: (Helena Kobrin)
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 22:52:23 GMT
Lines: 17
Xref: uunet control:1568915
We request that you remove the alt.religion.scientology
newsgroup from your site. The reasons for requesting its
removal are: (1) It was started with a forged message; (2)
not discussed on alt.config; (3) it has the name
"scientology" in its title which is a trademark and is
misleading, as a.r.s. is mainly used for flamers to attack
the Scientology religion[sic]; (4) it has been and continues to be
heavily abused with copyright and trade[sic] secret violations and
serves no purpose other than condoning these illegal[sic]
Please confirm that you have removed this newsgroup from
your system.
Helena K. Kobrin
Counsel for [alleged] trademark
and copyright owner
Helena K. Kobrin
California State Bar No. 152546
6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 2000
Burbank, California 91505
(818) 767-5308
A.R.S. Forged Flood Main Page