I, GRAHAM E. BERRY, hereby declare and state as follows:
1. I am an attorney at law duly admitted to practice before all the courts of the State of California. I am the Plaintiff - Appellant herein, appearing in pro per. I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein and, if called upon to so, I would testify thereto under oath.
2. Attached hereto as Exhibits A, B, and C are true and correct copies of the following: (a) Declaration of Robert J. Cipriano executed May 5, 1994; (b) Declaration of Robert J. Cipriano executed August 7, 1999 and Exhibits 1-50; (c) Declaration of Robert J. Cipriano executed September 6, 1999 and Exhibit 1.
3. The address 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 2000, Hollywood, CA 90028 was, at the time, the office-front-suite rented by Moxon & Kobrin as the law offices (e.g. Exh. 24, p. 145; Exh. 28, p. 192, Exh. 30, p. 199.,
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 14th day of April at Santa Monica, CA.
Graham E. Berry