Definition of "Lie" And "Lying."
big lie, the
1. a gross falsification or misrepresentation of
the facts, with constant repetition and
embellishment to lend credibility
2. the propaganda technique, as in politics, of
using this device
lie{2} vi. lied, ly'ing
1. a) to make a statement that one knows is
false, esp. with intent to deceive b) to make
such statements habitually
2. to give a false impression; deceive one
[statistics can lie]
vt. to bring, put, accomplish, etc. by lying [to
lie oneself into office]
1. a false statement or action, esp. one made
with intent to deceive
2. anything that gives or is meant to give a
false impression
3. the charge of lying --give the lie to
1. to charge with telling a lie
2. to prove to be false; belie --lie in one's
throat (or teeth) to tell a foul or
outrageous lie
li-ar n. a person who tells lies. See also: creationist