As a fundamentalist, evangelical Christian, I naturally believe the literal
truth of the Scriptural statement, "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth." In that sense I proudly proclaim myself to be a
creationist. As an experimental scientist with a Masters degree in
biochemistry and over ten years experience as a protein chemist,
enzymologist and immunologist, I naturally acccept the evidence that
establishes the fact of evolution as a natural phenomenon and which
establishes natural selection as the main force behind microevolution and
an important force behind so-called "macroevolution". In that sense I
proudly proclaim myself to be an evolutionist.
These proclamations are not mutually exclusive for two simple reasons. The
first is that the Bible was meant to be a book of faith, not one of science. I am not a literalist; that is, I do not believe that every word of
the Bible was written by God Himself. Rather I believe it was written by
men who were inspired by God to present a spiritual message and who
embellished that message with historical and poetic detail. They wrote
what they believed was true, but since they were men of faith writing what
essentially was a bare-bones spiritual message, they used mythology,
folklore and current events to fill out the message, to strengthen it and
to help interpret it. As such, like Galileo I am not surprised that the
Bible is scientifically inaccurate, because I look to the Bible for
spiritual truths that only God can reveal, not for scientific truths that
are best determined by the direct observation of nature.
This in turn leads me to my second reason why I am both a creationist and
an evolutionist. The purpose of science is to determine the mechanisms by
which the universe operates, of which evolution is one, whereas the purpose
of religion is to determine the meaning the universe, its purpose for
existence. As such, it is perfectly legitimate to believe that a
supernatural entity created by supernatural means the foundation of
space-time and the natural laws and forces that operate and control
space-time, then used those very laws and forces to create the universe
from the Big Bang and to control its development. Or not, since by
themselves these laws and forces could create and develop our modern
universe without divine intervention. The point is that I distinguish
between the ultimate origin of space-time and the way space-time
subsequently operated. Science probably may never be able to tell us for
certain where space-time came from, but it will be able to explain - from
the moment of the Big Bang onward - where the universe came from and how it
developed. Religion on the other hand can tell us that space-time was
created by God, and offer possible reasons why He chose to do so.
Religion, however, cannot explain how the universe functions. Any such
explanations would involve the use of miracles, but for miracles to be
legitimate explanations for natural phenomena they would have to allow us
to understand how and why the phenomena happen, not simply describe what
happens. Theology was created to debate religious explanations, but
theology was not designed to test these explanations against physical
reality. Only the scientific method can do this, but science was designed
to deal only with what is predictable and reproducible. By definition
miracles are neither, so science cannot be used in place of theology to
test miracles. And if science cannot study miracles, then it certainly
cannot use them as explanations for natural phenomena. Science can only
use explanations that are themselves reproducible and predictable; in other
words, science can only use natural, mechanistic, materialistic
This is why science has "a prior commitment to materialism"; not as an
overriding philosophy that determines how we interpret the universe, but as
a simple methodological expediency. Science can only explain natural
phenomena using natural forces, therefore as a scientist I must use
materialistic forces to explain the phenomena that I study. But as a
theist I also have a prior commitment to spiritualism. This commitment
allows me to see the glory of God's creation in its intricate details, to
try to understand the mind of God Himself through the one thing that is
indisputably His work alone. Unlike the Bible, if God did indeed create
the universe, He did it by Himself, without the need for human
intervention. As such, if we want to understand God we should first
understand the universe.
So in conclusion, as a scientist I seek to understand the mechanism of the
universe, but as a theist I also seek to understand the meaning of the
universe. Therefore I look for materialistic explanations for the former
and look for spiritualistic explanations for the latter. Since both
involve their own methods in their own domains, I am able to keep both
separate even as I use both simultaneously. So I can be both a creationist
and an evolutionist, a Christian and a scientist, without betraying or
subjugating one to the other.