bonuses asked this question on 4/30/2000:
I suffered with bipolar from age 11 to 35.I changes jobs alot, colleges alot, towns alot, husbands 2x, etc.At 35, I found the right medicine and had a bad ovary removed. No more more mood swings. I stay on my meds. I am married for the 3rd time and doing well. My 2 kids are doing well. I have been at a job now over 2 years. I don't like my job and want to change,but my work history stinks. When I visit my hometown to see my parents, people act like I have the plague and remind me ofmy failures. My family is still embarrassed about me. I have done well for 4 years, why want employers and people realize this and forget my past? What more can I do? Constantly someone brings up something to my kids or me. When will it end
karunap gave this response on 5/2/2000:
It takes quite a while to rebuild trust. As you continue in your new behaviors most people will become more open. Give your children plenty of opporunity to express the feelings that come up when people say something to them. Make sure you share your feelings with friends who care. When appropriate, ask people if they will update their image of you. Do things to release the anger that you feel so it does not build up and pull you down again. Write about your anger, journal, twist a towel, scream, etc.
It takes time.... take it day by day knowing every day you have added a day to your recovery.
See if you can make some new friends.... ones you can start current with.
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