kimmiesue asked this question on 4/30/2000:
My step-son was adopted by me about a year ago when his Mother finally abandoned him altogether. He is 13 and was well set in his ways and personality. His moods would swing from angelic to nearly satanic. After many month's we were told that he has a form of manic depressive illness known as Bipolar Disorder.
We currently have him on Lithium. Prior to that it was Depakote and before that Wellbutrin. The kid feels like a lab rat and can hardly function. I am well aware that BP disorder is hard to diagnose in young children under 15 because of so many "like" illnesses. In my stepson's (now son) case, I have studied enough to know he indeed has every symptom of the disorder. I know he is also hurting and angry too over the loss of his Mother from his life.
My question is long does it take to find the right medication. Side affects have been terrible on him. Sleepiness, sleelessness, hyper, lethargic, moody, energetic, worn out, happy in a false way, and now he is getting violent and distructive. What next? A friend of mine has a child with the same thing but we lost touch. She used to go to an AOL chatroom for parents of kids with this. Does anyone know how I can find out if it still exists?
All answers, help, etc GREATLY appreciated.
karunap gave this response on 5/2/2000:
It sounds like he has been put on medication without first being in therapy..... He needs to be in a therapy process where he can release his anger and have help in processing all of the abandonment rage. He also needs to be with a therapist that can teach him anger management skills. While medication may be necessary it should not be without a therapy process supporting it..... and if he does his therapy he may not need medication.
Teach him ways to release his anger in appropriate ways. Let him know it is okay to hit a pillow or bed, scream in his room, etc. Do not allow him to hurt himself or others. He needs consequences for inappropriate behavior but he also needs a way to release the rage from his body. Buy him a boxing bag if he is interested.
Give him lots of opportunities to share his feelings. Listen, listen, listen. Let him know you understand how much he misses his mom and that his anger is understandable as well. Encourage him to feel his feelings.... as opposed to stuffing them down. \
That does not mean he can abuse others.....
Feel free to ask me other questions if you like.
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He was in 2 residential treatment facilities. That is where the meds were started.