nisinirvana asked this question on 4/6/2000:
I was diagnosed with BPD in March of 1999. I have had mental/emotional problems my entire life but generally dropped out of therapy within the first six weeks(therapy started for me at age 10)for various reasons. When I stated going lat year again I was given medication for the first time ever, wow it had made an enormous diference. My question is my therapist does not think I have BPD she thinks I am quite simply an Adult Child of Alcoholic/Codependents that has had an exssevie amount of. When studding both issues I see they are very very similar in nature.Can anyone give me more info on the correlation between the two, is there any? Should I believe my Psychiatrist who had me fill out a bunch of tests and talked to me for an hour.
toys999 gave this response on 4/21/2000:
What medication regime for BPD were you prescribed? The goal is to stabilize your moods,not neuter your emotions.If you are the product of alcoholic parents your psychiatrist is probably right on target,especially if your mother drank heavily while pregnant and you were vorn with fetal alcohol syndrome.You most likely had poor role models in how to deal with life in general. Your doctor obviously concurs with the medication and there would be no logical reason to stop since you are getting relief. You may have BOTH afflictions and appear to be learning to accept,treat and go on. Control the disorder;don't let the disorder control you. Good Luck and stick with therapy this time;you will not regret it.
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nisinirvana rated this answer a 5.
Hi,I fortuantely was not born from an addict mother, she had at the time what they thought was epilepsy, turned out to be Astrocytoma (Brain Tumor). I relly didn't know her that well, My brother and I were raised by both sets of grandparents.In my four "bloodlines" there is rampant chemical and alcohol abuse,mental illness, and both physical and sexual aubuse. My younger brother is a chronic alcoholic. I have bounced from everything although my desire for spritual ascention and peace brought me to my counselor the last time. I am currently on both Prozac and Carbatrol, I had never been given medication except for the xanax my old MD prescribed me after I ended up weeping in her office for an hour seven years ago.I feel that the medication and a counselor I can trust have gotten me farther than I ever have before.