Anonymous asked this question on 6/28/2000:
I have only slept with one guy, so I was hoping you've had more experience than I have with sex. I know that he is "small", but I also know that I don't really enjoy it that much. Is he just unexperienced too, or is it his size? Please try not to laugh too much, I'm just confused!
Seriana gave this response on 7/11/2000:
It may be his size, though I don't like guys with big dicks, for I find it hurts much more for me. If its really small, then you probably don't even feel it at all, and its like, is he in? Then sex is no fun at all. The more experiance he gets, the better he will be regardless of size, though it may never be as good as a guy with a bigger one. The best sex Ive ever had was with a guy with a ave. size dick and experiance, so experiance definitely counts, especially in the love making part of sex. Ask him to try different positions, like you on top. Lots of women enjoy sex more when they are on top. It feels better. Also, relax when you have sex, you will enjoy it much more then if you are tense. Good Luck on making it work, I have been with several people and really only enjoyed it with a few. Best Wishes ! And remember, it only gets better with time.