Clergy Sexual Abuse

Sun, July 16, 1995, San Francisco Examiner
SOURCE: Survivor Connections Inc.

AH: Church principles

The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has a set of five principles for church leaders handling charges of clergy sexual abuse:

* 1. Respond promptly to all allegations of abuse where there is reasonable belief that abuse has occurred.

* 2. If such an allegation is supported by sufficient evidence, relieve the alleged offender promptly of (his) ministerial duties and refer him for appropriate medical evaluation and intervention.

* 3. Comply with the obligations of civil law as regards reporting of the incident and cooperating with the investigation.

* 4. Reach out to the victims and their families and communicate sincere commitment to their spiritual and emotional well-being.

* 5. Within the confines of respect for privacy of the individuals involved, deal as openly as possible with the members of the community. The five "commandments" for abuse victims:

* 1. Survivors of sexual assault shall nevermore be alone.

* 2. Survivors shall cast off all feelings of shame or fear or guilt.

* 3. Survivors shall feel free to speak openly of the abuse.

* 4. Survivors throughout the world shall join forces as a united moral, educational and political power.

* 5. Perpetrators shall hide, not their victims.

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