What creationists do VS. What scientists do

What creationists do                   What scientists do
Adhere to a specific set of beliefs   Adhere to a specific set of beliefs
as described in the Bible             as supported by observation

Are motivated by a desire to          Are motivated by a desire to
disprove evolutionary theory          construct a viable explanation for
and promote religious fundamentalism  observable phenomena

Gather evidence and data to support   Gather evidence and data to support
the validity of events described in   the validity of the assumptions
the Bible                             inherent to evolutionary theory
(i.e. evidence for flood)             (i.e. evidence for selection)

Use evidence and theory as a means    Use evidence and theory as a means
to convert others to their belief     to make useful predictions in
and religion                          the various biological sciences

View their theory and practice as     View their theory and practice as
being strongly related to morality    being inherently irrelevant to
and values                            morality and values

Generally recieve more training in    Generally receive more training in
Theology                              Biology

Contend that science must conform to  Contend that science must conform to
religious dogma                       accepted standard laboratory practices

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