"Evolutionary theory does not say what is right and what is wrong, but
merely what has happened." -- Marty Leipzig
It has been 139 years since Charles Darwin published On The
Origin Of Species, and yet there are still people who
haven't gotten the news that life on Earth evolves and evolved.
The fact that evolution occured and occurs is supported by
nearly every contemporary natural science: physics, chemistry,
geology, cosmology, palenotology, genetics, and of course
biology. Evolutionary theory, which describes evolution, is so
well established as factual that it has banished any and all
competing theories: all contenders have fallen into the ignominy
of disproof or dismissal because of a paucity of evidence.
That is not to say that evolutionary theory cannot or will not
be replaced with something better some day: that can still
happen, though it is extreamly unlikely. But
whatever may replace contemporary evolutionary theory will have
to include the fact that evolution occured and occurs. Evolution
is a fact: evolutionary theory describes that fact. The two
(evolution and evolutionary theory) are not the same thing.
I have 27,295 text files on my home computer that discourse on
the sciences, the humanities, politics, social sciences, art,
music. 8.45 per cent of them (2,307 files) relate only to the
evolutionary sciences and the anti-science, anti-intellectual
dogma called "Creationism." It is therefore not easy to select
which ones to present on my WWW site, considering the limit on
disk space allotted to me. Therefore this note: the subject
is no where near adequately discussed on this, Shy David's WWW
site! The Talk.Origins
Archive is the place to go for anyone interested in this
subject. The Talk Origins Archive web server includes a search
engine for their site, to allow viewers to quickly find what
they are looking for. Or read the newsgroup talk.origins.
- FTP Sites For Evidence Evidence supporting evolutionary theory, and evidence refuting the religion of "Scientific" Creationism.
- Evolution Evolution according to Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia
- Our Cheating Hearts Infidelity-- It may be in our genes.
- Medicine For the Soul Bit by bit, that wondrous entity, the human personality, is being decoded.
- Born To Raise Hell Some of us, it seems, were just born to be bad. Scientists say they are on the verge of pinning down genetic and biochemical abnormalities that predispose their bearers to violence.
- Scopes Trial The Darwinian theory of evolution, which appeared to undermine the very bedrock of the Bible and its account of the creation of the universe, was too much for many Americans.
- The Evolution Fact FAQ M. R. Leipzig (c)1997-1998, Last revision 27 January, 1998
Transitional Fossils FAQ Transitional Fossils FAQ By Kathleen Hunt (jespah@u.washington.edu)
Marty Explains Marty Explains
Evolution To An Idiot, but the lesson doesn't "take." Arthur
Biele, the idiot in question, has an emotional stake in
refusing to understand the facts.
One True Expert! Marty meets
the One True Expert, while out being amused by Creationists
looking for "mantracks" in Texas.
Noah's Ark Found! Marty
Stumbles Upon Noah's Ark Well, Sort Of....
Weather Marty
speaks about weather. Humor!
Fossilization Marty on
Fossilization, in simple, easy-to-understand terms.
Noah's Ground Tackle Fit To Be Tied
With The Anchor Rope Of Noah's Ark. One man's quest to be the
first on his block to own a part of Noah's Ark.
Happy Birthday Universe! [The date
of the creation of the universe] was October 23, in 4004 BCE, at
8:00 PM that Anglican Bishop James Ussher calculated that God
created the Universe.
- ICR Cult's Grand Canyon Project FAQ: Evaluation of ICR Grand Canyon Research Project. Real scientists correct the cult's errors.
- Talking about evolution Participate in an Online Forum on whether evolution and creationism can coexist in the classroom.
- Earliest Humans CNN Reports: Evidence dates earliest known erect humans
- San Andreas Fault The Pacific plate is moving northwest at a speed of some inches per year, while the North American plate is moving west
- Radiometric dating Radiometric dating is a means of determining the "age" of a mineral specimen by determining the relative amounts present of certain radioactive elements. By "age" we mean the elapsed time from when the mineral specimen was formed.
- Tierra Artificial Life Were you looking for a copy of Tierra? Here's a link.
- ERIC Clearinghouse Teaching evolution has nothing to do with "Constitutional rights." Teaching evolutions flows from the priniciple that we should teach children the truth, which often means teaching them what humans understand to be true about the universe.
- What is Evolution? Most non-scientists seem to be quite confused about precise definitions of biological evolution.
"In case you've forgotten, every modern medical 'miracle'
has been the direct result of the study of evolution. Millions of
people are alive and healthy because of the work evolutionists
have done and are doing.
"The 'study' of Creationism hasn't added a single thing to our
understanding of the natural world. It cannot, because it is
based on a faulty premise: a fairy tale meant to give one
the warm and fuzzies rather than an understanding of reality."
--- John Musselwhite
- Human Family Tree There's a minority view that holds that the division of pongids and hominids is unjustifiable based on findings in molecular biology.
- The Modern Synthesis A Theory of the Mechanism of Evolution by Laurence A. Moran (Larry)
- Random Genetic Drift The two most important mechanisms of evolution are natural selection and genetic drift.
- Benefits Of Evolutionary Sciences I've always found it interesting that those who oppose evolutionary biology in theory never seem to oppose the benefits that come from (and can only come from) evolutionary biology.
- The Big Lie The Big Lie: Creation as a Scientific Theory
- Dawkins, Richard Book Review: The Blind Watchmaker
- Geo-Column How the column was originally assembled. Later independent verification methods. A few common creationist objections.
- Comparison What creationists do VS. What scientists do
- Letters To Editor Two letters in March 31, 1993 Chronicle of Higher Education
- Cichlids and Evolution You just had to mention my favourite evolution subject, didn't you?
- Cladistics Why Do Biologists Need Cladistics?
- Created A Poem By Christopher Hughes
- fsteiger This web site contains a great deal of information on the creation / evolution "controversy."
- The Handy Dandy Anti-Evolutionary Sciences Refuter Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism. Compiled by Mark I. Vuletic.
- Dinosaurian Bird Scientists: Fossils prove that birds evolved from dinosaurs
What are the chonces of a human evolving and let's say
for the sake of nonsense that one did evolve, what are the
chances of two evolving ?...and futher what are the chances of
that second one being of the opposite sex? --- Ron
Stringfellow, Creationist
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