Shy David On Selfless Acts

Jesse C. Jones Gave the opinion that:

People without a religious world view, in my opinion, lack a basis for doing good things, and therefore are easily subject to seeing their nobler instincts yield to their baser human selfishness.
David Rice replied:

And you could very easily demonstrate yourself wrong if you would open at least one eye and see all the "good things" that people lacking beliefs in gods do. But you won't look, will you? Why ruin a perfectly good occult belief with the truth?

I have a true story for you. It concerns a believer in Jesus as his personal savior.

A young Christian idealist living in Indiana founded a congregation of poor, various "races" people. He set up a soup kitchen for the hungry. He set up a nursing home for the elderly and the diseased. He set up a used- clothing drop-off and pick-up for the shelterless and threadbare. He was an active, relentless, and ceaseless firebrand to end racial segregation in restaurants and theaters. In 1961 he became the head of the Indianapolis Human Rights Commission.

In 1964 he was ordained by the Decipels of Christ. Many political and community leaders flocked to his side in praise and respect for his work in their communities.

In 1971 he moved to San Francisco, into a "black neighborhood," and set up a free-dinner hall, where any and all needy were given food and shelter. He set up a drug rehabilitation program, a free medical clinic, and a legal-aid clinic. He set up a day-care center for working parents, and a senior citizen center. Governor Jerry Brown issued him several citizen awards, and greatly lauded his commitment to the community. Mayor Moscone appointed him the chair of the San Francisco Housing Authority.

Dozens of Christian organizations held him up to be the most selfless and tireless of God- inspired workers in the world. Many compared him favorably to Doctor M. L. King, Jr. The Fundamentalist Christian churches throughout California said of him that he was the standard by which Christians should strive for, second only to Jesus. Eagle's Nest, Marahatha, The Vineyard--- all rode on his shirttail.

In 1978, 914 of his church member's drank grape Kool Aid that was laced with cyanide: 300 were children. Many were shot in the head.

Christian selflessness just ain't what it could be. . . .

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