pages with the
graphic are
Mariner's Ministries pages. The pages marked with the
are HolySmoke pages. These pages
represent the opinions of their various authors, and
readers must exercise critical thinking when reading them.
None of these files are presented as factual by Shy David:
accept or reject them as you see fit, research them or not, as
you see fit.
You will find Biblical scholarship here; you will also find
treatise on Biblical subjects. Higher Criticism in the West is
usually applied to the Bible since it is a critique of
Christianity: it may also apply to any and all religions and
holy books, and not just to the Bible and the Christian cult.
Valid criticism of theology includes exposing the hypocracy of
those who claim a particular theology. Castigating evil, and
then engaging in evil, is behavior valid for criticism: one
generally finds theists who claim "moral superiority" with their
mouths, but fail to walk the talk.
- Destructive sects Religious choice or psychological coercion? This is an off-site link to the domain www.religioustolerance.org
- Biblical scholarship Biblical scholarship according to Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia
- About the Holy Bible "Somebody
ought to tell the truth about the Bible. The preachers dare not,
because they would be driven from their pulpits. Professors in
colleges dare not, because they would lose their salaries." This
booklet is authored by that great American, Robert Green
Ingersoll. 76,618 bytes!
Criticism Christian Insecurity Of Criticism
Crusades The Christian Crusades And Inquistions
Jesus One Popular Savior (Out Of Many): Jesus.
Leaving The Fold The time came when I discovered that God, if he existed, didn't care.
Biblical Scholarship Dating the Bible, who wrote the Bible, and other texts.
Virgin Mary The So-called "Virgin Birth"
Dates Some Biblical Dates
Stoned The Stoning of Jesus
Job Do you think that God still loved Job?
Doing Good Does one require a belief in a god or gods to be a good, moral person?
Rude Fundamentalists Does one need to be rude to be an Evangelist? Sure seems that way.
Better Off Dead? Concerning God killing 42 youths because they laughed at a bald "prophet, "John Prewett smugly crowed:
Undead JFK John "Warns" Us Of The Undead JFK
JFK is the Anti-Christ JFK and Kissinger Takes Manhattan (And The Rest Of The Planet)
Saint Teresa Charles Keating Meets A Real Live Saint: Mother Teresa
Make a Difference Who ignores the likes of Paul Hill, a committed Christian "trying to make a difference"?
Hislop Though the name of their gods were changed, Hislop believes that the Druids practices were rooted in Baal worship, which is condemned in the Bible.
Faith Shy David on "Faith."
Selflessness Shy David On "Selfless Acts."
Clergy Abuse A very, very brief list of clergy abuse against their flock.
Links A page with links to Freethought / atheist / Skeptic World Wide Web sites.
Bible Quiz FTP the MSDOS program written by Shy David. Test your knowledge of the Bible. Mouse required. In ZIP format, 108,921 bytes large.
- Why Why Some Atheists Despise Some Christians
- Statistics Top ten cults in the world, and their membership.
- The Foundations of Faith By Robert G. Ingersoll. "One of the foundation stones of our faith is the Old Testament. If that book is not true, if its authors were unaided men, if it contains blunders and falsehoods, then that stone crumbles to dust." 56,656 bytes!
- The Existence of God By Thomas Paine. "Religion has two principal enemies, Fanatism and Infidelity, or that which is called Atheism. The first requires to be combated by reason and morality, the other by natural philosophy." 55,930 bytes!
- The Existance of God By Charles
Watts. "Theists of marked intellectual ability persistently avoid
any attempt to defend the Christian's notion of their God as he
is delineated in the Bible. The reason, no doubt, of this is
that the character given to the deity by the 'inspired writers'
is so contradictory and repulsive that no amount of reasoning
will harmonize it with modern ideas of justice, purity, and
morality." 34,175 bytes!
- Faith Healing Study finds faith healing causes needless deaths
- Have some Kool-Aid, dearie The last large-scale test of Mark 16 took place 15 years ago today (Nov. 18, 1978) in Jonestown, Guyana. Needless to say, it was a miserable failure.
"I believe that all bosses and employers should be able to fire
a homosexual for being gay. However, I also believe they should
be able to fire people for the color of their skin." -- Ken Young,
Fundamentalist Christian
- SysOp Persecuted Christians (Lighthouse Worship Center Assembles of God) Persecute BBS SysOp, claiming "Satanic Duress."
- Slaying Jesus Beyond Belief. A Book Review.
- One Fool's Opinion Why God Allows Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, Tobacco, STDs to Exist
- Bible Prophecy Bible Prophecy: Failure or Fulfillment? Book Review by Larry A. Taylor
- Foxholes Atheists In Foxholes
- Dark Clouds Pope warns of 'dark clouds' over Europe. Rapture!
- The rich get prosecuted Marion Robertson's cult gets prosecuted for tax fraud.
- Demon Possession Religious Tract: Handbook about Demon Possession, For Human Service Workers.
- Demon Shooting Teen Shooting Suspect Blames Demons
- The Fundamentalist Fallacy Is it just me, or can some people not see the truth even when it's staring them in the face?
- Penis Worship In Thailand Some Pricks Setting Fires in Thailand.
- Deciding if a cult is a cult When is a cult destructive?
- Christian "Science" Matthew Swan: Dead Due To Neglect From His Christian Parents
- True[sic] Christian Prophecy The final equinox-2000. The world ends real soon now!
- The Isaiah so-called "Prophesy" From a Rabbi who studied the TORAH without the mistranslations (Moshe Shulman) - complete with his typos
- Chomsky and God Linguistics professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky on "God."
"At least gays are only persecuted by regular people..[sic]
Christians have the governments to contend with."
-- Ken Young, Fundamentalist Christian
- Tornados And God's Will Six Reported Dead in South Dakota Tornado. Blame God?
- Falling Roofs And God's Will Tornado Victim Helped Save Siblings
- Hot-For-Jesus Men Boulder Colorado: Promise Keepers Kult
- Cookies Cooling Eating The Forbidden Fruit
- The Story Of Ruth Just after the return from Babylon, Ezra - xenophobe and racist that he was - decreed that marriage outside of the tribe was a "sin."
- Child Criminals Arrests Common for "Pro-Life" Family
- Salvation Army Salvation Army Spurns S.F. Money
- Revoking the 1st Amendment Religious Freedom[sic] Amendment Nixed. Thank God!
- Rapist Bishop Bishop's Admitted Sexual Misconduct Stuns Diocese
- Cult Must Stop Mormon Tutors Ordered To Stop
- Bare Tombstone Woman's Tombstone Stands Bare Due to Hatred
- Bogus Church Siezes Houses Feds have trouble evicting con artist inmate's followers
- Cable jumping for god! Stupid shit thanks his god for loosing a foot.
- Intolerance '97 This particular web site is worth a good look. It's a review/report/exposé of the goings-on last month in Alabama after a judge was ordered to deep-six his Ten Commandments and his opening prayer (Separation of church and state, that little issue). On 4/12, a rally was held in support of the judge and the Alabama governor, and this web site gives a pretty pleasant example of how loving and tolerant some of the Christians at the rally were.
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