Why Hell?!

By Preston Simpson

Is it just me, or is it simply reasonable to want to know why someone does something? If God's going to send me to hell for not groveling at his feet, I'd like to know exactly why he needs the attention before I roast. If he's going to let people suffer senselessly, I feel that he should at least let us know why.

It is a common characteristic of authoritarian parents to refuse to give reasons for their behavior. Often, they feel that "Because I told you so" or "Because those are the rules" are adequate reasons. Children of authoritarian parents usually grow up as being either hopelessly cowed and broken of spirit or violently rebellious against even the slightest hint of authority. Someone should explain this to Christians and then ask them if they see this happening in their religion. Authoritarianism is one of the worst possible ways to raise a kid and it is certainly the worst way to run a religion.

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