Church disbands, apologizes for misinterpreting the Bible

From Salt Lake City's Deseret News, November 2, 1992, page A3:
(Associated Press)

Seoul, South Korea - The largest of the churches that were predicting the imminent end of the world disbanded Monday --- not with a bang or a whimper, but an apology.

"We are sorry for creating problems to the nation and established churches by misinterpreting the Bible," said a statement by the Mission for the Coming Days church released through newspapers.

The church had predicted that "the rapture" --- the faithful's ascension to heaven --- would occur last Wednesday. According to the biblical Book of Revelation, that was to be followed by seven years of tribulation, culminating in Armageddon and the world's end.

Hundreds and possibly thousands of followers sold property, abandoned their families, quit schools and jobs and deserted military posts.

After the day passed uneventfully, there were some attacks on preachers but no reports of suicides or other extreme actions by followers.

Police set up centers to receive complaints from worshipers who lost property or funds and said they would investigate illegal activity.

The signboard for the church in Seoul was removed Sunday.

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