GoddsSmack asked this question on 5/12/2000:
I have a really great summer job, the only thing is that it is at a Christian camp. I am Wiccan. I don't have anything against Christians it's just that I am afraid that my campers will ask me about God and the devil and heaven. Should I give them the generic "God loves you" answer or can go further and talk about other religions with them??
luise gave this response on 5/16/2000:
Ok, my answer is a little different than everyone elses, and this stems from someone who attended a Christian Summer Camp.
The furthest thing on little kids minds is religion. They are just happy to be away from home and having the time of their lives. Most don't even like to attend the Church classes or worship on Sundays because it takes away from Fun Time.
Honestly, if any of the kids do ask you questions, Christian Summer Camp is NOT the time or place to mention your beliefs. You can go over what you already know about Christianity, and give it in generalized versions. If they want to know what you believe, the safest way to answer is you don't follow the same religion as they do, and you don't discuss it with children without their parents permission. (That is best in any situation really).
I would go over all of the answers given so far and go with what you feel is best, but I think there is less here to worry about than you think.
Blessings, Luise