ms_emt asked this question on 5/16/2000:
Blessings from our lord above to those who attempt to help me! My problem is my son-18 yr.old just told me that he is a witch and also his girlfriend of one month. He was raised in an christian enviroment and accepted Christ at approx. age 14. He says that these witches(wicca) only do good spells on themselves. I believe there is only one God and that any magic/power recieved from other sources is evil. I don't know what to do! I know that it promises if you teach a child the right path to take that he will come back to it and I know to pray. He says that he did this two weeks ago., and I asked him if he still believes in God,Christ and his salvation and he said yes, but I'm not so sure that he isn't just telling me what I want to hear. Please help me and let me know if there is anything I can do further. Thank you to those who answer my question and may the Lord bless you!
Dlogan6 gave this response on 5/17/2000:
Point 1. in your favor: God is aware of all that you are aware of and more. Point 2. If you are a child of God: Greater is he that is in you than he that is in your son. Point three. Ask and it shall be Given you. If you want your son and his loved one to be free. SAY SO. Do not be intimidated by anything your son might say to you. If you believe that the powers that persuade and rule him are stronger that the truth you know about God. Then you are defeated already.
It is time that Christians stand up in the face of false doctrine. And how do WE do that? By simply living a holy life in the power and might of the Holy Spirit of God. "Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you." that applies not only to Satan himself, and all of his minions, but also the oppressive teachings, doctrines (of devils) and "suggestions" of powerful domination.
PRAY (AS WE ALL WILL JOIN WITH YOU) FOR THE DELIVERANCE OF YOUR SON, AND BELIEVE THAT THE LORD WILL SET HIM FREE. The only way that will not occur, is that your son does not wish to be free. If you have raised him as you say in the "spirit and admonition of the Lord," and if he truely experienced the moving of the Lord in his life at the age of 14; the seed remains. Nurture that seed with FASTING AND PRAYER.
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