ms_emt asked this question on 5/16/2000:
Blessings from our lord above to those who attempt to help me! My problem is my son-18 yr.old just told me that he is a witch and also his girlfriend of one month. He was raised in an christian enviroment and accepted Christ at approx. age 14. He says that these witches(wicca) only do good spells on themselves. I believe there is only one God and that any magic/power recieved from other sources is evil. I don't know what to do! I know that it promises if you teach a child the right path to take that he will come back to it and I know to pray. He says that he did this two weeks ago., and I asked him if he still believes in God,Christ and his salvation and he said yes, but I'm not so sure that he isn't just telling me what I want to hear. Please help me and let me know if there is anything I can do further. Thank you to those who answer my question and may the Lord bless you!
dikristov gave this response on 5/17/2000:
Dear ms emt: I'm so sorry . I can really feel the pain coming out of your letter. Although I have no personal experience myseelf I do hhave friends that have left their christian path at about the same age and I think it is so sad to have to watch what the paarents have to go through. I know of one well known experience where a woman prayed for her son for years and when he returned ,he returned stronger than he ever would have been had he just sstaayed because he was raaised tht way. His faith was made pure because he returned because he loved God and now he is one of the most well known christian doctors of the chruch in the Catholic church. She herself is a saint because she never gave up her hope or prayers for her son even through the torment she lived through. I know this may not be of much consolaation to you now but my orayers and the prayers of many others will be joined together now because you had the courage to write this letter.And you know what Jesus said about two or more being gathered together in prayer. Their prayers WILL be answered. Just so we lift him up in prayer at all times and because of what he is into hold him up constantly he will come back a christian that loves God because it is his choice to do so, and thaat can make all the difference in the world. There is a book I am rerading and some of the chapters would be an excellent help to you now.The Book is called the Different Drum and is not reaally about this spicific thing but goes into great detail about these changes that happen during our christian life if we aare to become like Christ.The Author is M.Scott Peck MD. It is more than likely that you have heard of him.I would name you specific chapters but althouth the book is about community you can really use it for a metaphor for whaat you are going through and how to deal with our son. Thank God it ssounds like you have a good relationship with your son. Try to hold onto that withoout trying to hard to change him back. With oour prayers backing you and him up he should be protected even though he is plaing with really touchy things at this time. The best thing to remember is to have faith in all oour prayers together along with yours and thaa there is no way God will not nswr your prayer,it is His PROMISE and you must hold onto that with all your heart. Try to remember your time is not God's time, and His timing is perfect. May we all hold onto thaat thought with you together. There is no way your son will be losst and he will return sstronger and more full of faith then you can ever imagine. If you ever need some support, just taalk so that you don't push him too hard please feel free to write I am disabled chronically ill and from whaat it now sounds like terminally ill so I will be offering up these small sufferings for your son every day I promise. I know it sounds impossible but you can do it from day to day . Remember there will be better days and worse days more than likely in his pilgrimage(although he does not know that is what he is on), and you must have faith and hope aand stick by him through it all . Without pushing too hard. Yours will be the hard part alot of the time.Faaith,hope and love. Those are your key words to use for this walk you must make. If he will accept ssome help from aa pastor or priest fine but these searches usually are to be made on their own.So don't dispair. God has promised and he will keep his promise. For the rest of us out there please stay united with me in this praayer for her son. Knowing in faith that this prayer will be answered if we ddon't neglect our paart. I will not neglect mine. No matter hoow long it is from nnow plleaase try to contact me when he returns, I will be waiting in praayer and support for you if you want it. May god bless you and all those you hold in your heart,especially your son. Your friend in Jesus, Diane
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ms_emt rated this answer a 5.
God bless you sister! I cried when I read your letter because it really touched me that someone could care so much. My prayers are hand in hand with you and all those who are binding together in the Lords name for my son and me. I will pray also for you! God is using you for his glory and this is such an answer to my prayers just to have some people to talk to. I will keep contact with you and want you to know that I believe that I really am in some spiritual warfare right now. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that something hasn't happened to test my faith. I don't know why my faith is being put to test but no matter what I am staying faithful to Christ. Its just as you said tiring and stressful and I battle getting depressed. Again thank you so much! I will pray for your health that you will be able to minister to those in need!