mydnyte asked this question on 5/14/2000:
Is there such a thing as an afterlife in Wicca? How does it, if it exists, compare to the views of Christians or Moslems? If it doesn't exist, what do Wiccans see as reason to live a good or fulfilling life?
whisper gave this response on 5/14/2000:
Wicca is a very versitle religion. members can believe many diffeerant things. I beleve that we live mutible lives. Learning the things we need or even just haveing fun. I beleive that if we don't get right the things we need to learn than we have to redo those same sorts of problems in the next life. i think that there is a consicness beyond this life or beter, between lives when we make plans. But during the lessons or play, we can get distracted.
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