Anonymous asked this question on 5/2/2000:
Do you fear that you will be persecuted (i.e., burned at the stake) by society one day? It seems you would be an easy scapegoat for societies ills.
blackpetl gave this response on 5/3/2000:
Unlike in our ancestors time, Wicca has been researched and it's origins proven as non-satanic; which was one of the main reasons for the persecutions of the past. Now that there is an understanding and valid information in ragards to witchcraft and the Wiccan religion more people are accepting it.
In 1956, the last Laws prohibiting Witchcraft were repealed in England. The Late Gearld Gardner had a lot to do with this. He risked persecution by making it known that Witchcraft was still alive and well in England. On several occasions he was blamed for making it all up and having Aleister Crowley create his Book of Shadows. Few people believed him, but still he was persistant and he eventually founded what is known as Gardnerian Wica.
In the United States, Wicca has also spread like wild fire. There are many organizations and established churches and schools of Wioca. The United States Government has also recognized it as a valid religion and it is acceptable even within the Armed forces.
On my web site, I have several links and address to various churches, founders of specific traditions and several links to organizations web sites. There are far to many to list here.
Branches of the Wiccan Religion and its churches have become just as abundant and wide spread as say the Catholic Church, and for this reason I do not worry about being persecuted, and even so, as any good religious woman, i would gladly die for my beliefs if need be.
Blessed Be...
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