Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
An old roommate owes my money and I really need it. If I cast a spell to induce it to give it to me is that violating the principle of free will?
Moonie gave this response on 5/2/2000:
Anon- Sure it does- you are manipulating and compelling anothers actions. Most Witches, Wiccans I know will try every avenue in the mundane before they resort to magick when it comes to disputes or disagreement of any kind- Have you tried simply asking persistantly and decently for your money back? You might also keep in mind not to lend money that you can not do without- cause chances are good- you may not get it back...:) Namaste- Moonie
The average rating for this answer is 4.
Anonymous rated this answer a 4.
Thanks, I didn't lend the money, he moved out owing rent and all the bills, and I don't know where to find him to ask.