Anonymous asked this question on 5/2/2000:
Do you fear that you will be persecuted (i.e., burned at the stake) by society one day? It seems you would be an easy scapegoat for societies ills.
gabby2600 gave this response on 5/2/2000:
Lets start this way. My religion is older than anyother on the planet what I believe is in the Original religion, to which no one has found it roots read here
I and most people called wiccan/pagans tollerate other religions and most other no christian religions tollerate others too.
However what you are saying her is Are we worried about being prececuted for the ills of christianity, well if we are all killd and Only christians are left, then you would see that you were wrong in accusing us of they ills of society.
However this will never happen.
Now I will as you this Question
Don't you worry that one day all christians may have to face up to the crimes of christianity?
As christianity Has no room for tollerance so is always at confilict with everyone and everything. Even it's self at times. Now I can say that my religion confilicts with only christianity, and works in harmony will all others. However I will never do anything against a christian where they would have me burned at the atake for not believeing what they do.
Do you no think that Christianity is wrong, and the upper ranks are the real true evil on the planet?
Well I will answer this question with a true story from York England.
If you can remember and knew than back in the 1980's York minster was struck by lightening, and one wing of the minster burnt to the ground. While Work men were working on supporting the re-building of the wing, they discovered 8 Tomes under that wing, each had the body of a dead bishop. Each bishop had large gold and jeweled rings and many 1000's of dollers worth of jewelery on them. The work men were told by the church to not say anything to the press, about this otherwise they will be out of a job for life. And then they took the bodys away, and The workmen then asked whill they be used for research, as they might hold some valuable clues to the history of York. The Church said they would deal with it (The research still has not been done). Also at the same time The curch Blackmailed the insurance company out of 1 million english pounds, As the church did not have insurance chich covered acts of god. But they Owned the Premises which they were based, and many other offices and shops in York so they would be out of business in a week if they did not pay up. And then the paper heard of the news about the Insurance fraud and they were told by the church if they printed this story the church would tell everyone who is a tenant in one of the church properties to boycot the paper otherwise they would be evicted. The church at that time Owned nearly 70% of York. And if the church were to do this the paper would go out of business, and every member if the papers staff would be out of work Thats about 10,000 people. So in essance the church also Blackmailed the Papers in the area.
Now I don't blame the individual christians or church goers for this I blame the Higher ranks of the Church. Who are only out to line there own pockets.
now some of you may wonder where I go this info from well A friend of mine who lived in your at the Time knew the reporter, and one of the grounds men at the church.
Now your questions is incorect and not valid but mine is...
Don't you worry that one day all christians may have to face up to the crimes of christianity?
I hope this opens your eyes to what the powers that be do in the name of the church.
I'm sorry if this offends you but I shocked me and I was very suprised when I was told he story, and it opened my eye's. And I hope you realise that We are not responsable for Societies Ills Society is. And most societies are based on Christianity.
gabby2600 gave this follow-up answer on 5/2/2000:
The Website I put up was wrong it shoudl be
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